Nobody want to be lost in the forest. But, it could be happen to everyone who does the activity in the forest. Bad weather hampering your vision so you might loss direction, run out of your prog and even you have with you a map, GPS, compass and complete with communication equipment., the undesirable thing still may happen.
Survive is a must when you meet that bad situation, so .. surviving knowledges should be well known before. One of them is the knowledge about wild plants that safe and suitable to be eaten.
10% of the species of blooming plants in the world, around 25.000 species can be found in Indonesia. The amount is excluding flowerless plants and mushroom.
All those plants consist of toxic and non toxic ones.
But, how we can know which one is toxic and non toxic ?,, to distinguish them there are some guidances.
1. Non toxic when part of the plants, leaves, fruit, flower, root used to be eaten by animal. On the contrary back, plant which is acridity that can make you dizzy, never be touched by animal, sticky plants, are recommended to be avoided.
2. Plants that have glaring color, furbearing leaves and rough surface should be avoided too.
Don't be affraid, because you cand find non toxic plants that possible to be eaten like family of palm trees such as oil palm tree, sago palm tree, sugar palm tree, fan palm tree. Not just it's fruits but also the white rising top branch of palms are possible to be eaten.
What about mushroom ?
We have 38.000 species of mushrooms spreading all over the world, unfortunately the number of the toxic ones is bigger compared to non toxic ones.
To distinguish between them, watch their color, shape and the place their grow.
When the color of the mushroom's cap is dark and having glaring color, except for ear mushroom that can be eaten eventhough the cap is dark. Not just the color, the acridity of the mushroom (it contents of sulfide acid) also indicates that it is toxic.
The toxic mushroom usually grew in the dirty area, such as at the animal feces.
The color is alterable when it brings to the boil. It leaves blue color when it is chipped with a knife or scratched at a silver tools.
The blue color indicates it contents of sulfide.
The features of the posoned are dizzy, stomache (pit of the stomach, sick headache, bloodless, faint.
Before eating, they should be cooked first to minimize bad impact like diarchea and allergy. So what can someone do when suddenly poisoned after trying eating wild plants ?
Try to vomiting and drink coconut water quickly.
ikutan review blogspot template yuk,.. hadiah 2 jt :D
information which you posting important for everybody, inclusive of us of blogger beginner, but i am also hope yours visit to my blog, give me comment or follower. ok
ayao kita juga mo' berangkat ikutan ini
i am, visit again
yeaaahhhh mushroom save our life at forest!
bannernya dah terpasang bang :)
mantap infonya bossss
thanks for the info ^_^
now i know the difference between toxic and non-toxic mushrooms ^_^ when i lost in the jungle ..i mean in the forest. have a great weekend friend.
hope u have a great day...nice info.
wah ternyata blognya tentang jamur2an ya?benar2 menarik.. :D
MEsra Blogger...Cool Posting juga, ane dan teman-teman pernah ngalamin makan jamur yang direbus di g.salak, gara-gara makanan kebawa temen yang turun duluan. Bener juga kalo jamur bisa dimakan dan bantu2 dikit-dikit ngisi perut.
yang warnanya biasa-biasa, tidak terlalu ngejreng, itu katanya yang aman.
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